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How we traveled with our newborn

We decided to travel out of state (on an airplane) with our two month old baby. We were nervous but it went off without a hitch. This is how we did it!

PREP: This was probably the most difficult of the steps. Since we didn't know what to expect, we planned for everything we could possibly think of.

First, I created a checklist on the notes app on my phone. I used categories to ensure I didn't forget anything. The categories I created were Feeding, Cleaning/Diapering, Sleep, Clothing, Misc. and added items accordingly. It's much easier this way to make sure you cover all your bases.

Click HERE for a complete packing list

Then I moved onto actually packing. I used my list and when through the house collecting every item that I had listed, adding a checkmark to that item on the list as I went. I organized everything between one checked luggage and our diaper bag, which I carried on the plane with us.

GETTING TO THE AIRPORT: Plan to be at the airport at least two hours early! When checking bags, the airport requires you drop them off at the desk usually at least an hour before your flight time (make sure to check with your airline). We also used a travel bag for our car seat (you can check these for free!) so we could easily find it when we picked up our checked bags.

SECURITY: We dropped off our checked bags and then headed to the security line. The easiest way to go through security with a baby is to baby wear. I used our favorite simple but comfy baby carrier. TSA let us go through a separate metal detector that did not require me to remove the baby carrier.

Pro tip: make sure to wear shoes that you can easily remove and put back on while wearing your baby!

THE FLIGHT: Before we boarded, we made sure we had a bottle made and ready to go for our baby (it's easier to get that ready before you get on the plane) as well as a pacifier. I kept the baby in the carrier the entire time, only removing her for diaper changes and feeds. We flew Delta and they did require that the baby is removed from the carrier during take off and landing. However, I did buckle her back in once we were cleared to do so.

We were really lucky that our baby was unfazed during take off and landing and that our flight was short enough that were only needed to feed the baby once during the flight. As for diaper changes, I made sure to change her in the family restrooms inside the airport before and after the flights. These restrooms have a lot more space for you and your baby and allow you more privacy than the regular bathrooms.

Pro tip: to avoid laying my baby or my changing mat directly on the public changing tables, I always carry a few disposable Chux pads to lay down on the tables first.

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